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Laser Hair Removal

Reduce or Remove Unwanted Body Hair


What is laser hair removal? 


Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses a powerful laser to remove unwanted hair. During laser hair removal, a laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages the hair follicles. This damage inhibits or destroys future hair growth. 


Why Elysion Pro?


The Elysion Pro is a medical grade diode laser and uses the optimum wavelength of light to deliver heat energy to the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding skin. The selective heating of the follicle disables the hair permanently then over the 7-10 days post treatment the hair will simply fall out leaving the skin smooth and hair free until the next phase of hair growth appears  4-8 weeks later. 


The Elysion Pro is equipped with incomparable crystal freeze technology that keeps the skin at a constant temperature of 5 degrees C during the entire treatment giving the client guaranteed skin protection and the practitioner the capability to treat all skin types. 


How many treatments are required? 


There are three stages of hair growth, The laser can only treat hairs that are in the growing phase and at any one time around 30% of hair is in this phase. This is why multiple treatments are necessary and in certain time frames to catch the new hair in the growing phase. Most people need 6-8 sessions to see the biggest difference in hair growth. After these sessions most people are hair free but some may need ‘maintenance’ sessions spread wider apart. 





Is it painful? 


The Elysion Pro has two modes of operation. The Static mode delivers single pulses of high energy and has a sensation on the skin of a small rubber band flicking on the skin. The Dynamic mode offers painless treatment and is suitable for all skin types even tanned skin. We will customise treatment for each individual to ensure maximum results and comfort. Most other IPL or lasers offer a single mode , can be quite painful and have a greater potential for side effects.



Is the hair removed completely?


Elysion hair removal achieves hair removal through successive sessions. The superior power of the equipment ensures the best hair removal results on the market. However the quality of the hair removal does not just depend on the machine but also the type of client. Fine, light hair and dark skin are more difficult to depilate compared to clients with light skin and dark hair. However it is not impossible and in most cases will at least reduce the hair. 



Is laser hair removal safe?


Laser hair removal is safe, but it can rarely cause side effects, such as pain and discomfort, and red skin that may last for some time. It may also not be suitable for everyone, including pregnant women and if you are taking certain medications. 



Patch Test and Consultation 


New clients can fill in a consultation form here to asses suitability for laser hair removal. Following this a patch is required minimum 48 hours before initial treatment and a discussion and chance to ask any questions you may have. The patch test is carried out on the inner forearm so please have no fake tan, perfume or other lotions on your area, freshly showered is best. Please do not expose the area to intense sun or sun beds 2 weeks before the patch test. The same goes for before any appointments. 

Want to know more?

Tel: 07871 548911

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